Stored Procedure in SQL Server

A stored procedure is nothing more than prepared SQL Query that you save so you can reuse the Query over and over again. So if you think about a query that you write over and over again, instead of having to write that query each the time you would save it as a stored procedure and then just call the stored procedure to execute the SQL code that you saved as part of the stored procedure. Stored procedures are a batch of SQL statements that can be executed in a couple of ways. Most major DBMS support stored procedures; however, not all do. You will need to verify with your particular DBMS help documentation for specifics

A stored procedure will accept input parameters so that a single procedure can be used over the network by several clients using different input data. A stored procedure will reduce network traffic and increase the performance

Advantages of stored procedures

  1. A stored procedure allows modular programming.
  2. A stored procedure allows for faster execution.
  3. A stored procedure can reduce network traffic.
  4. Stored procedures provide better security to your data

Example of the stored procedure :

Step 1-Create simple stored procedure in SQL server

create procedure proc_getAllData
select * from temptable

Step 2-Execute stored procedure in SQL server

exec proc_getAllData

Note: If you want to delete the stored procedure then use drop command to drop the stored procedure

drop procedure proc_getAllData

Types of Stored Procedure

SQL Server we have different types of stored procedures:

  1. System stored procedures
  2. User-defined stored procedures
  3. Extended stored Procedures

System stored procedures

Stored procedures are stored in the master database and these start with a sp_ prefix. These procedures can be used to perform a variety of tasks to support SQL Server functions.

Example: sp_helptext [StoredProcedure_Name]
(To get the text of stored procedure )

User-defined stored procedures
User-defined stored procedures are usually stored in a user database and are typically designed to complete the tasks in the user database.

Extended stored Procedures

Extended stored procedures are the procedures that call functions from DLL files. Nowadays, extended stored procedures are depreciated for the reason it would be better to avoid using extended stored procedures.