We can store multiple variables of the same type in an
array data structure, so An array stores a fixed-size sequential collection of
elements of the same type. A fixed-length array can store a predefined number
of items. A dynamic array does not have a predefined size. The size of a
dynamic array increases as you add new items to the array. You can declare an
array of fixed length or dynamic.
Example of Array in c#:-
int[] array = new int[4];
array[0] = 10;
array[1] = 20;
array[2] = 30;
array[3] = 40;
More Examples of the array in c#
int[] intArray; // can store int values
bool[] boolArray; // can store boolean values
string[] stringArray; // can store string values
Array Types in c#
1. Single-dimensional arrays
2. Multidimensional arrays or rectangular arrays
3. Jagged arrays
4. Mixed arrays.
Single Dimension Arrays
int[] intArray;
intArray = new int[3];
Array with more than one dimension is
called multi- Dimensional. The form of a
multi-dimensional array is a matrix.
int[,] numbers = new int[3, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5,
6 } };
Jagged Arrays
Jagged arrays are arrays of arrays.
int[][] intJaggedArray = new int[3][];
intJaggedArray[0] = new int[2];
intJaggedArray[1] = new int[4];
intJaggedArray[2] = new int[6];
Mixed Arrays
Mixed arrays are a combination of multi-dimension arrays
and jagged arrays.