Method Overloading in c#

Creating a multiple methods in a class with the same name but different parameters and types is called as method overloading, method overloading is the example of Compile time polymorphism.

Example of Method Overloading

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ApplicationNamespace1
    class methodOverloadingExampleClass
        public void MethodA(int x, int y)              // MyMethod with int parameters
            Console.WriteLine("Integers = " + x + y);
        public void MethodA(char x, char y)            // MyMethod with char parameters
            Console.WriteLine("Characters = " + x + y);
        public void MethodA(int x, int y,int z)            // MyMethod with multiple int parameters
            Console.WriteLine("Characters = " + x + y+z);
        public void MethodA(string x, string y)        // MyMethod with string parameters
            Console.WriteLine("Strings = " + x + y);

    class Program
        static void Main()
            methodOverloadingExampleClass var = new methodOverloadingExampleClass();
            var.MethodA(2, 3);                      // This automatically calls int's method
            var.MethodA('a''b');                  // This calls char's method
            var.MethodA(2, 4,8);  // This calls multiple int's method
            var.MethodA("Method""Overloading");   // This automatically calls string's method